Lucha Underground results 03-23-16

Rey Rey



Lucha Underground results: 03-23-16:


Pentagon Jr. is here to remind us CERO MIEDO.

Catrina tells him he never received an invitation to Aztec Warfare 2 and he says he only listens to his master and he has zero fear. Catrina then tells Fenix he’ll take his last breath tonight and Mil Muertes will take his title back. Then she disappears before Fenix and Pentagon give each other a final glance before walking in opposite directions.

Matt Striker confirms what Catrina said before, that Pentagon wasn’t given an invite. Vampiro says that’s “whacked!”

Aztec Warfare 2

Entrant 1: Fenix
Entrant 2: Rey Mysterio

The back and forth was good while it lasted.

Entrant 3: King Cuerno

He put  Mysterio down before hitting the Arrow from the Depths of Hell on Fenix who had crawled around on the outside. Mysterio recovered to hit a splash off a slide on the outside.

Entrant 4: Argenis

Great superkick on Fenix, then he straight out kicked Mysterio in his ass. His actual ass. It wasn’t long after that he was teamed up on and eliminated by Rey.

Eliminated: Argenis

Entrant 5: Johnny Mundo

Some good action with Rey Mysterio and Mundo.

Entrant 6: Joey Ryan

He came out and pulled some handcuffs from his trunks. He handcuffed himself to the barricade. He was superkicked.

Entrant 7: Prince Puma

He got in, went flying all around, killed everyone, then did a drive by punch on Joey Ryan.

Entrant 8: Jack Evans

Just as Evans was getting in, Cuerno was submitted by Mysterio with an armbar. So far, Rey has both eliminations.

Eliminated: King Cuerno

Entrant 9: Taya

Vampiro is in love with her. “She’s a very fine piece … of the puzzle.”

Mundo was really happy to see her. The heels and babyfaces squared off and did battle in the ring three on three.

Entrant 10: Cage

Cage got in and laid them all out one-by-one. They went to commercial and when they came back he was still killing everyone.  Mundo hit a superkick after Cage body slammed Taya.

Entrant 11: Mascarita Sagrada

He tried a dive on Mundo but was caught, put down, and kicked in the face. Cage came back from the glass Mundo had thrown him through and put him down with Weapon X just after. Puma eliminated him.

Eliminated: Johnny Mundo

Entrant 12: Marty The Moth

Sagrada went after him but got kicked again. Marty was just brutalizing everybody. Evans tossed him from the ring just as the next guy was coming in.

Entrant 13: Drago

After a commercial, Drago was chasing Evans around. That included going by Ryan, who got sprayed in the face. Back in the ring, Mysterio and Sagrada teamed up to take out Marty the Moth.

Eliminated: Marty The Moth

Entrant 14: The Mack

Moth was trying to leave but Mack wanted to hit him with a stunner first. Then he got in the ring and had a staredown with Cage before they started throwing hands. He hit Cage with a stunner too before they cut to the outside and Ryan was getting Sagrada thrown into him.

Entrant 15: Chavo Guerrero

Jack Evans just got powerbombed on the steps. Chavo went after Sagrada and Striker called him out for going after the weak link.

Eliminated: Sagrada

Mundo reappeared with a cinderblock and blasted Cage on the head with it. Taya pinned him just after.

Eliminated: Cage

Puma showed up and took Taya out right after.

Eliminated Taya

Entrant 16: PJ Black

Evans ended up getting tossed on the floor. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Entrant 17: Aerostar

He got in flying all around. Him and Black elminated Drago and Jack Evans at same time.

Eliminated: Drago, Jack Evans

Evans legitimately looked knocked out.

Entrant 18: Dragon Azteca Jr.

Entrant 19: Texano

He came in swinging the bull rope and cleared the ring to head to commercial. There was a big dive on the outside that took everyone out before Black got in and was taken out.

Eliminated: PJ Black

Entrant 20: Mil Muertes

He came in slow and Pentagon Jr. launched a sneak attack through the crowd with a chair. The crowd gave him a big “cero miedo” chant. He threw Mil in, he was splashed by Rey Mysterio and Prince Puma helped pin him.

Eliminated: Mil Muertes

Catrina was pissed and told Vampiro to “get the fuck out” before slapping him hard across the face. The countdown clock was going again and Striker told us it was a technical glitch. But when it hit zero, DARIO CUETO came out and said this is his Temple and there is another entrant, his brother.

Entrant 21: The Monster Matanza

He got in and everyone got together in an attempt to gang up on him but he threw everyone off, slammed Fenix, then pinned him.

Eliminated: Fenix

Mack came up and hit a stunner but Matanza no sold it and suplexed him into a pin.

Eliminated: Mack

Aerostar tried his luck but met the same fate as Mack.

Eliminated: Aerostar

He spotted Joey Ryan on the barricade and bent the steel to get him in the ring. He had his way with Ryan with a few slams before pinning him.

Eliminated: Joey Ryan

Mysterio, Azteca, Chavo, and Puma were left and they were trying to figure out what to do on the outside. Chavo turned on them and sent Azteca in to deal with Matanza before taking out Rey and Puma himself.

Eliminated: Dragon Azteca Jr.

Chavo went over to Dario to talk and try to make a deal. They cut to Dario as Chavo was walking to the ring and he did the throat slash. Matanza clotheslined him, hit a standing shooting star press, and pinned him.

Eliminated: Chavo Guerrero

That left just Puma and Mysterio to get in and try to double team this monster. They were thrown around and beaten down. Matanza hit the German Suplex and bridged into a pin on Puma.

Eliminated: Prince Puma

Mysterio slowly got back in the ring while fans chanted for him. they were saying “you still got it.” he got far enough to set up the 619 but Matanza blocked it. He was setting up for a slam but Rey slipped out and actually did hit the 619. Matanza went to a knee, then got back up and caught Rey coming off the top rope. SLAM.

Eliminated: Rey Mysterio

Your new Lucha Underground champion: The Monster Matanza Cueto