Triple H makes his way to the ring with Motorhead blasting to start off Raw. Triple H says everyone has an authority figure they have to listen to. You may hate it, you may want to challenge that authority but you don’t. You don’t because you are afraid. It’s not a bad thing because it is the reason you know your place in life. Roman Reigns should have listened to that fear and known his place. Reigns did not, so that is why Reigns is in the state he is in at this point. No one should challenge authority. Before Triple H can finish his thought, Dean Ambrose’s music hits and out he comes. Ambrose limps to the ring. Ambrose tells Triple H that he just got off the phone with Reigns and Reigns wants him to know that he is coming for him.
Ambrose says he wanted to talk to Triple H last week but a grizzly bear on the way to the arena mauled him. Ambrose asks Triple H who he wanted to win the triple threat at Fastlane,or better yet, who did he not want to win at Fastlane. Triple H says Ambrose is just an after thought and everyone knew he had no shot at Fastlane. Ambrose gets in Triple H’s face and says he is Dean Ambrose and he is the last person Triple H wanted to fight at WrestleMania. Triple H says he used to think Ambrose wasn’t actually crazy but he knows for a fact that he must be. Ambrose tries so hard to get Triple H to wrestle him. Triple H wont bite. Ambrose flat out asks Triple H for a match for the title tonight. Triple H says he will think about it and give Ambrose an answer before the end of the show. Triple H tells Ambrose that he will face Alberto Del Rio tonight with the entire League of Nations at ringside.
Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch:
Match ends in a draw.
Becky lands multiple head-butts. Sasha jumps over and hits a sunset bomb off the second rope. Both Becky and Sasha shoulders were down for the three count.
Bray Wyatt cuts a backstage promo on how he is going to rule the world and wants us to take his hand in this journey. The usual creepy Wyatt stuff.
Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz:
Miz wins by pinfall
Ziggler misses a corner splash. Miz rolls him up for the win.
Stephanie McMahon is in the ring to give the acceptance speech she wasn’t able to give last week. A loud Shane-o-Macchant breaks out. Stephanie starts reading as the crowd boos get very loud. Stephanie gets upset and knocks over the podium. Stephanie yells about how Shane is a hypocrite for not showing up over the last few years and how it’s not right for him to blackmail her father either. She loves Shane, but she doesn’t respect him. Every time that she lets him in he stabs her in the back. When Shane faces Undertaker at WrestleMania he will get dismembered. Stephanie says she knows why the people chant for Shane. It’s because you are all spoiled brats.
Stephanie closes her promo with everyone will bow down to the queen. Guess she is using Triple H’s promo about bowing down to the king. Here is our new king and queen.
Sheamus and Rusev vs The Lucha Dragons:
Sheamus and Rusev win by pinfall
Del Rio distracts Kalisto for Rusev to kick him in the head for the win.
After the match Del Rio goes up top and gives the diving foot stomps to Kalisto.
Ryback vs Adam Rose:
Ryback wins by pinfall.
Ryback picks up Rose and shellshocks him for the win.
Ryback leaves the ring and walks up the ramp. Rose looks like he was hit with a truck. The rest of the Social Outcast get in the ring to check on Rose.
The New Day vs A.J. Styles and Chris Jericho:
Jericho and Styles win by submission
Kingston tries trouble in paradise, but Jericho catches Kingston’s foot and locks in the walls of Jericho for the submission victory.
After the match Styles and Jericho challenge New Day to a tag team title match next week on Raw.
No chance, no chance in hell. Here is Vinny Mack. Vince McMahon is in the ring. He asks the people to picture him introducing his son Shane the day after WrestleMania. The only way this would happen is if hell froze over and Shane managed to defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania. Only fools believe in miracles. It will never happen. He loves Shane enough to try to teach him a lesson. The instrument of this lesson will be none other than The Undertaker.
The Undertaker makes his way to the ring as Vince waits. Mr. McMahon says Undertaker is his… but before he can finish Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Undertaker tells Mr. McMahon that he has to know what is going to happen when he closes that cell door. The blood of his son will be on Mr. McMahon’s hands, not The Undertaker’s. Undertaker leaves the ring. Mr. McMahon has to take a drink of water before tell us that he is going to write Shane out of his will and give it all to Stephanie. He renounces Shane as his son. Since Shane is no longer his son, he is now just a son of a Bitch.. Great stuff.
Jey Uso vs Bubba Ray Dudley:
Bubbay Ray wins by pinfall
D-Von pulls a table from under the ring. Jimmy dives off the ring steps, but D-Von hits him with the table. Jey tries to help his brother but walks right into the Bubba-bomb.
Backstage R-Truth tells Goldust that he doesn’t want to be his partner. Goldust walks away with a sad look on his face. R-Truth tries to get him to come back but Goldust doesn’t.
Kevin Owens vs The Big Show:
Big Show wins by countout
Owens tries to go to the top rope, but Big Show cuts him off. Big Show crotches Owens on the top rope. Owens tumbles to the outside and gets counted out.
Naomi vs Brie Bella:
Naomi wins by submission
Brie kicks Naomi in the chest a few times. Tamina distracts Brie long enough for Naomi to lock in her new crucifix submission for the win.
After the match Lana walks onto the ramp and laughs at Brie.
Backstage Becky and Sasha argue about who should be the number one contender. Charlotte interrupts them to say they both get another shot at the number one contender spot this week on Smackdown.
Dean Ambrose vs Alberto Del Rio:
Dean Ambrose wins by DQ
Ambrose goes up top and missile drop kicks Del Rio. Ambrose dives off the top onto the entire League of Nations. Triple H comes out and signals to the League of Nations to attack Ambrose.
After the match the League beats up Ambrose. Triple H grabs a mic and tells Ambrose the he will never beat authority. Ambrose punches Triple H in the face. Triple H stumbles into the corner. Ambrose gets up and punches Triple H a few more times before getting nailed with the famous pedigree. Triple H tells Ambrose that if he wants a title match so bad, fine. Triple H tries to leave, but Ambrose rolls over to the mic and says thank you. Triple H comes back to the ring and tosses Ambrose into the announce table. Triple H beats the heck out of Ambrose on the announce table. Im getting sick of Dean Ambrose.