Source: WXW Wrestling
WXW Ambition 7 Results:
(AMBITION First Round) Sasa Keel defeated David Starr: Keel won after knocking Starr out!
(AMBITION First Round): Timothy Thatcher defeated Big Daddy Walter: Thatcher won with a arm bar!
(AMBITION First Round) Axel Dieter Jr. defeated Mike Bailey: Dieter Jr. ended up winning by making Bailey tap out!
(AMBITION First Round) Bobby Gunns defeated Zack Sabre Jr.: Gunns got Sabre Jr. in a sleeper to get the win!
(AMBITION Semi-Final) Sasa Keel defeated Timothy Thatcher: Sasa hits 3 German Suplexes on Thatcher and ref calls the match!
(AMBITION Semi-Final) Bobby Gunns defeated Axel Dieter Jr: Gunns wins with a arm bar!
(Superfight Match) Dominic Brackner defeated Rico Bushido: Brackner wins by making Rico tap out to the arm bar!
(AMBITION Final) Sasa Keel defeated Bobby Gunns: Sasa threw Gunns around 5 times and ref calls for the match!