Lucha Underground Results: 04-27-16

The cage match is the opener. Taya accompanies Mundo out to the ring. Mil Muertes and Matanza will be back on the show next week.

Cage defeats Johnny Mundo

Cage won after a tombstone on the chair. Taya got involved numerous times, eventually entering the Cage. She tried to handcuff Cage but he ended up handcuffing her instead and Mundo accidentally nailed her with a chair shot. Cage gets a medallion.


The trios match is advertised next. Dario that Angelico is out of the match due to an injury, handicapping Team Havoc.


Team Havoc vs. Mysterio/Puma/Azteca defeats Ryan/The Crew vs. Jack Evans/PJ Black/Fenix

Rey/Puma/Azteca won after a split legged moonsault from Rey.  Ryan and the Crew were eliminated first by Ivelesse. Then Team Havoc got eliminated on by Black and Evans, mainly due to Angelico’s absence.


We get a clip in a mysterious, smoke-filled dojo. Pentagon Jr is in a wheelchair. Vampiro is trying to help him. Vampiro encourages him to get up. When he can’t, Vamprio gets mad and pours hot wax on him while he screams.


Angelico body